22nd. Up last night till midnight issuing oats, etc., and drawing clothing. Regt. up at 1 A. M. and moved at 2. Moved through byroads around to the Jerusalem Plank road across to Reams’ Station on the Weldon and Petersburg R. R. having crossed the Norfolk R. R. Burned the station and water tanks and a quantity of wood. Moved off to Dinwiddie C. H. and then across the country to the Petersburg and Lynchburg R. R. Destroyed several miles of track, tearing up much and burning fence rails on the rest. Don’t think this did much good. Kautz captured two trains of cars loaded with furniture, etc., from Petersburg. Went into camp at 11 and remained till 1:30 A. M. (This began the famous and rather disastrous “Wilson’s Raid.”)

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney
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