Hdqrs. 4th Reg. C. V., Camp Ingalls.
Dear Miss Woolsey: Your kind note is just received.
A week ago our hospital was in wretched condition, but, thanks to the Sanitary Commission! we are at present provided with nearly everything we want. If anything is needed, it is a few more sheets, as we have some fever patients who require frequent change of bedclothes. The surgeon suggests that more pillows are needed and that a little Indian meal for gruel would be very acceptable.
There are 51 in the regimental hospital today—2 dangerously ill, and 30 on the sick list in the camp. . . . Should we find ourselves really in need of further aid from the Sanitary Commission I will let you know promptly, either by a note or by calling on you when I come in town.
Yours gratefully,
Edward Ashley Walker.
Chaplain 4th C. V.