Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Post image for Oaths and passes; Woolsey family letters.

Oaths and passes; Woolsey family letters.

August 27, 2011

The American Civil War,Woolsey family letters during the War for the Union

The nurses were required to take the oath of allegiance to the government, and to secure passes, in all of which G. helped them, also securing government ambulances to carry them to their destination:—

“Dr. Asch begs to inform Miss Woolsey that he has seen the officer in charge of the passes into Virginia. It will be impossible to procure them this evening as the office closes at 3 p. m., and in addition it will be necessary for the nurses to present themselves at General Porter’s office for the purpose of making affirmation as to their loyalty,—when, on presenting the accompanying note, Dr. Asch trusts that there will be no delay in the accomplishment of their object.”

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Surg.-General’s Office, Aug. 27, 1861.

Dr. Wood has requested Dr. Spencer to attend to the wishes of Miss Woolsey (in regard to the ambulances).

He very much regrets he is prevented from attending personally.

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