Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

—Colonel Van Dorn of the State troops of Texas captured four hundred and fifty United States troops at Saluria.—(Doc. 98.)

—Fort Smith, Arkansas, taken possession of by the State troops. About 12 o’clock at night a volunteer force of nearly three hundred men, under the command of Col. Solon Borland, landed at the wharf, when the post was formally surrendered by Capt. A. Montgomery to Gen. E Burgvein, Adjutant-General of the State, who placed Col. Borland in charge. About an hoar before their arrival Capt. Sturgis left with his command, consisting of two cavalry companies. He took away the horses belonging to his command, and such supplies as he could transport. He is falling back on Fort Washita.

Capt. Montgomery and Major Gatlin were taken prisoners, and afterward released on parole. The Confederate flag was raised on the fort at 12 o’clock, amid the firing of cannon and the cheers of the people. After the review three cheers were given for the Arkansas citizen soldiery, three cheers for Jeff. Davis, and three cheers for Gov. H. M. Rector. The stock and property taken possession of is estimated to be of the value of $300,000.—N. Y. Tribune, April 26.

—The Steam Transport Empire City, from Texas, arrived at New York, having on board the Third Regiment of Infantry and the Second Regiment of Cavalry, U. S. A., numbering six hundred men.—N. Y. Herald, April 26.

—An enthusiastic meeting of the British residents of the city was held at New York. Speeches were made by S. M. Saunders, (the President,) Colonel Shepherd, Rev. H. N. Hudson, C. C. Leigh, and others.—Idem.

—A deputation of twenty Indians, headed by White Cloud, in behalf of the Sioux and Chippeways, arrived in New York. They tender to the United States, in behalf of themselves and 800 other warriors, their services against rebellion. Having heard that the Cherokees had sided with the rebels, they could not remain neutral, and, with a promptness worthy of imitation in high quarters, have come to offer their services in defense of the Government. They ask to be armed and led.

White Cloud is the interpreter of the Sioux, and is a man of intelligence and true patriotic ardor. He visited the Quartermaster’s Department to-day, and addressed the soldiers being inspected there. He says, the men on the way are all good warriors, ranging from 18 to 40 years of age.—N. Y. Tribune, April 26.

—George Law addressed a letter to the President of the United States, demanding of Government the opening of lines of communication between Washington and the North.—(Doc. 99.)

—Governor Yates, in a special message to the Legislature of that State, gives the reasons that induced the armed occupation of Cairo city. He says, “That the transfer of part of the volunteer forces of this State to the city of Cairo was made in compliance with an order of the War Department, directing a force to be stationed at Cairo. Simultaneously with the receipt of the order, reliable information reached me of the existence of a conspiracy by disaffected persons in other states to seize upon Cairo and the southern portion of the Illinois Central Railroad, and cut off communication with the interior of the State. It was my desire that the honor of this service should have been given to the patriotic citizens of the counties in the immediate vicinity. But as these were not at that time organized and armed for patriotic duty, and the necessity for speedy action was imperative, the requisition was filled from companies previously tendered from other portions of the State.”—N. Y. Evening Post, April 29.

—The Gulf City Guards, of Mobile, Ala., Capt. Hartwell, left that place for Virginia. The Register says:—This is a fine and gallant company, of the flower of Mobile. Verily has Mobile contributed 400 of her best and most chivalrous youth in the four companies that have gone North, and yet the demand for marching orders has not abated in the least. Companies are offering their services and others are forming. Mobile has 4,500 fighting men. We have about 1,000 in the field, and the balance are ready to march. About 5 o’clock, the Guards moved from the armory, and marched up Royal to Dauphin, and down Dauphin to the steamer Selma, on board of which boat they took passage to Montgomery. —N. O. Picayune, April 28.

—General Harney, on his way to Washington, was arrested by the Virginia authorities at Harper’s Ferry. He left Wheeling, Va., for the purpose of reporting himself at headquarters at Washington. Before the train reached Harper’s Ferry it was stopped, and a number of troops mounted the platforms; whilst the train was moving slowly on, the troops passed through the cars, and the General being pointed out, he was immediately taken into custody.—N. Y. Times, April, 28.

—The Illinois troops struck a great blow at the secessionists of Missouri. Acting under orders from the President of the United States, an expedition of Illinois volunteers visited St. Loris, advanced upon the Federal Arsenal at that place, and brought away immense stores of artillery, ammunition, and small arms, which had been stored at that post by the Government.

The amount of Federal property thus secured from the hands of the Secessionists of Missouri is of great value. Among the articles recovered were 21,000 stand of small arms and a park of artillery. There was no fighting. The Illinois boys declare, in true Western style, that the “Secessionists are euchred.”—(Doc. 100.)

—At New Orleans, the steamship Cahawba was seized by Capt. Shivers, of the Caddo Rifles. Arranging his plans, selecting four of his men, and taking them armed in cabs, he proceeded to the foot of St. Joseph street, where the Cahawba was lying. Arriving there, the men jumped out of the cabs, formed in line, and Capt. Shivers, accompanied by Judge Price, boarded the steamer. The deck watch asked what was wanted. Captain Shivers replied he wanted to see the officer in command of the Cahawba. The watchman proceeded to the first mate’s room and announced the presence of a gentleman on board, who wanted to see him.

The mate came on deck, and Capt. Shivers politely told him to surrender the ship. The mate stated that the captain of the Cahawba was not on board, and therefore he had nothing to say. Capt. Shivers then ordered his men on board, put a guard fore and aft, and elsewhere, thus taking possession.—N. O. Delta, April 25.

The Cahawba was released soon after her seizure, by order of Gov. Moore, who had received orders from the Confederate Government prohibiting any obstruction to commerce in Southern ports—N. Y. Herald, April 27.

—The second detachment of Rhode Island troops passed through New York on their way to Annapolis, Md. The officers of the detachment are:—Lieutenant-Colonel commanding, J. T. Pitman; Major, Joe. W. Bolsch; Lieutenants, Carl C. Harris, Eddy, Luther; Lieutenant Colonel, Charles C. H. Day; Surgeon, M. McKnight.

The troops are subdivided as follows:—First Light Infantry, Mechanics’ Rifles, Westerly Rifles, Newport Artillery; Wesley Rifles; Providence Artillery, Cadets of Providence, East Greenwich detachment, and Pawtucket detachment. The troops are well armed, each company having eight of Burnside’s self-breech-loading rules. Their countenances are expressive of strong determination, and a glance at the texture of their hands will show plainly that they have come from the mechanical and hard working classes of Rhode Island. The women of Rhode Island are not behindhand in offering their services for their country. The volunteers bring along with them two very prepossessing young women, named Martha Francis and Katey Brownell, both of Providence, who propose to act as “daughters of the regiment,” after the French plan.

As a proof of the patriotic spirit which animates the citizens of Rhode Island, it may be mentioned that a man named William Dean, who lost one arm in the Mexican war, is now a volunteer in this corps, being willing to lose another limb in defence of the honor of his country. The noble fellow carries his musket slung behind his back, but it is said when the hour comes for bloodier action he can use it with as good effect and expertness as if in possession of his natural appendages. The regiment also carries a flag which was borne through all the terrors of the Revolution. The uniform of the Regiment is light and comfortable; it consists of a blue flannel blouse, gray pants, aid the army regulation hat.—N. Y. Herald.

—At Annapolis, Md., the grounds of the Naval Academy are now a military camp. Gen. Butler in command. The railroad between Annapolis and Washington is guarded with his troops. The track, which was destroyed by the rebels, has been relaid, and communication between the two cities is open. Gen. Butler has taken possession of the heights opposite Annapolis, and commanding that city.

The Maryland Legislature met to-day at Frederick. Gen. Butler says that if it passes an ordinance of secession, he will arrest the entire body!N. Y. Times, April 27.

—The New York Seventh Regiment arrived at Washington, marched up Pennsylvania avenue to the President’s house, and thence to the War Department. They were warmly applauded and hailed with great joy.—(Doc. 101).

—Governor Letcher of Virginia issued a proclamation, with accompanying documents, announcing the transfer of that State to the government of the Southern Confederacy, in advance of any expression of opinion by the People on the ordinance of secession passed on the 17th of April.—(Doc. 102.)

—A great Union meeting was held at Castleton, Vt. Over ten thousand persons were present. Speeches were made by P. W. Hyde, O. M. Willard, Willard Child, and others. Great enthusiasm prevailed. Forty-one men enrolled themselves as members of a volunteer company. The officers of the company are as follows: Captain, James Hope; First Lieutenant, John Howe; Second Lieutenant, Henry D. Noble.—N. Y. Times, April 27.

—Senator Douglas was publicly received by the Illinois Legislature, and made a patriotic speech, urging immediate action in support of the Government.—Chicago Tribune, April 26.

April 24th.—In the morning we found ourselves in chopping little sea-way for which the “Nina” was particularly unsuited, laden as she was with provisions and produce. Eyes and glasses anxiously straining seawards for any trace of the blockading vessels. Every sail scrutinized, but no ‘stars and stripes’ visible.

Our captain—a good specimen of one of the inland-water navigators, shrewd, intelligent, and active—told me a good deal about the country. He laughed at the fears of the whites as regards the climate. “Why, here am I,” said he,” going up the river, and down the river all times of the year, and at times of day and night when they reckon the air is most deadly, and I’ve done so for years without any bad effects. The planters whose houses I pass all run away in May, and go off to Europe, or to the piney wood, or to the springs, or they think they’d all die. There’s Captain Buck, who lives above here,—he comes from the State of Maine. He had only a thousand dollars to begin with, but he sets to work and gets land on the Macamaw River at twenty cents an acre. It was death to go nigh it, but it was first-rate rice land, and Captain Buck is now worth a million of dollars. He lives on his estate all the year round, and is as healthy a man as ever you seen.”

To such historiettes my planting friends turn a deaf ear. ” I tell you what,” said Pringle, “just to show you what kind our climate is. I had an excellent overseer once, who would insist on staying near the river, and wouldn’t go away. He fought against it for more than five-and-twenty years, but he went down with fever at last.” As the overseer was more than thirty years of age when he came to the estate, he had not been cut off so very suddenly. I thought of the quack’s advertisement of the “bad leg of sixty years standing.” The captain says the negroes on the river plantations are very well off. He can buy enough of pork from the slaves on one plantation to last his ship’s crew for the whole winter. The money goes to them, as the hogs are their own. One of the stewards on board had bought himself and his family out of bondage with his earnings. The State in general, however, does not approve of such practices.

At three o’clock p.m., ran into Charleston harbor, and landed soon afterwards.

I saw General Beauregard in the evening; he was very lively and in good spirits, though he admitted he was rather surprised by the spirit displayed in the North. “A good deal of it is got up, however,” he said “and belongs to that washy sort of enthusiasm which is promoted by their lecturing and spouting.” Beauregard is very proud of his personal strength, which for his slight frame is said to be very extraordinary, and he seemed to insist on it that the Southern men had more physical strength, owing to their mode of life and their education, than their Northern “brethren.” In the evening held a sort of tabaks consilium in the hotel, where a number of officers—Manning, Lucas Chesnut, Calhoun, &c.—discoursed of the affairs of the nation. All my friends, except Trescot, I think were elated at the prospect of hostilities with the North, and overjoyed that a South Carolinian regiment had already set out for the frontiers of Virginia.


Another warm day with some rain in the afternoon. The day has passed off much as yesterday. No troops from the North. No mails since Friday, and in fact no news at all from the North. It is thought that there are troops enough here now for the safety of the City, as matters now look. But large bodies of Virginians have gathered near Alexandria and also north of us, and a decent may be made upon us anytime, but we are geting used to strange things now. I am alone in the room at the office now and have to do all the writing. Charley dined with us today.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.

Wednesday morning, 24th. Reveille at daybreak, when we fell in and stood under arms for half an hour, when, finding everything quiet, and no enemy in sight, we broke ranks and prepared breakfast. Authentic reports came in early that the railroad between this place and the junction has been destroyed, and all the bridges burnt. We have orders to march immediately after breakfast, but cannot do so until transportation for officers’ baggage, ammunition, etc., has been found; the quartermaster is at work, and has many varieties of wagons already engaged, drawn by mules, oxen, cows, and horses. The camp is still abundantly supplied by the colored folks with eatables, and we have filled our haversacks with boiled eggs, corn bread, and home-made pies.

The following statement in Hayes’s handwriting, evidently prepared about this time, shows what plans the citizens of Cincinnati were making to defend the city against possible attack from Kentucky.

To be ready on the day that Kentucky secedes to take possession of the hills on the Kentucky side which command Cincinnati, or the approaches to it, and prepare to hold them against any force.

a. Regiments ready to cross on short notice with arms; ammunition, provisions, tools, etc., for entrenching; cannon, boats, and all essentials.

b. Cut off telegraphic communication south from Covington and Newport.

c. Also railroad communication.

d. Take all boats; fortify all hills, etc.

e. The prevention of raids to rob banks, etc.

Spies to Frankfort with passwords for dispatches, etc.

RALEIGH, April 24, 1861.


You shall have from one to ten thousand volunteers in a few days, with arms, and I wish them to go as State troops. Many of our men will enlist in Confederate Army. Will have a regiment ready in four days. Funds will be required for transportation, as I cannot lawfully draw on the State treasury for this purpose. I am anxious to send at least three regiments. Our legislature will meet in few days. I will not await, however.


April 24.—Martial music is heard everywhere, day and night, and all the trappings and paraphernalia of war’s decorations are in great demand. The ladies are sewing everywhere, even in the churches. But the gay uniforms we see to-day will change their hue before the advent of another year. All history shows that fighting is not only the most perilous pursuit in the world, but the hardest and the roughest work one can engage in. And many a young man bred in luxury, will be killed by exposure in the night air, lying on the damp ground, before meeting the enemy. But the same thing may be said of the Northmen. And the arbitrament of war, and war’s desolation, is a foregone conclusion. How much better it would have been if the North had permitted the South to depart in peace! With political separation, there might still have remained commercial union. But they would not.

—A remarkable feature in the present war excitement is the alacrity with which citizens of foreign birth or origin, and even those who are not naturalized at all, are hastening to the defence of the Government and the national flag. There is hardly a foreign country represented in the North, the children whereof are not organizing regiments and tendering their services to the Government. —N. Y. Herald, April 27.

—Rumors of an attack on Fort Pickens continue to receive credence in some quarters.

—The Portsmouth (Va.) Transcript of the 23d April says:—”Despatches received last night give important and glorious news. Fort Pickens was taken by the South. The loss on our side is said to be heavy. One despatch states the loss on the side of the South at 2,500 men; but the victory is ours.”

Immediately after the above, the Baltimore Sun says that it is enabled to state “on the authority of a private despatch, received in this city last night, that the report of the battle is incorrect.”

—The Twenty-fifth Regiment of N. Y. State Militia, from Albany, with a party of regulars and one hundred and seventy-five men of the Seventh New York Regiment left New York for the seat of war— N. Y. Tribune, April 25.

—A volunteer company was organized at Sag Harbor, and $3,000 subscribed by the citizens for the benefit of the families of the volunteers.—Idem, April 26.

—Daniel Fish, gunmaker, of the city of New York, was arrested and handed over to the custody of the United States Marshal on a charge of treason, and misprision of treason, in having sent off large quantities of arms for the use of the Southern traitors. The correspondence and bills of lading found in his possession abundantly sustain the charge. A man calling himself Dr. Sabo, was also arrested, and is now in the bands of the United States authorities for recruiting men for the Southern navy. The papers which he used for the purpose were headed “United States of America,” and purported to be authorized by the United States Collector and Naval Officer of Charleston. As there are no such officers at that port acting in behalf of the United States of America, it is evident that the intention was to enlist men under a false pretence, and, after getting them to Charleston, impress them into the service of the C. S. A.—N. Y. Tribune, April 25.

—Messrs. Hotchkiss & Sons, of Sharon, Connecticut, offered the Governor of their State a bronze rifled cannon, (16-pounder,) and all of their patent projectiles which can be fired from it during the war. Gov. Buckingham has accepted the gift. They also offered to produce additional rifled cannon and projectiles at cost—Idem.

—Beriah Magoffin, Governor of Kentucky, issued a proclamation calling upon the State to place herself in a state of defence; and convening the Legislature on the 6th day of May, to take such action as may be necessary for the general welfare.—(Doc. 94.)

—The Navy Department at Washington signified its approbation of the loyalty, spirit, and good conduct of William Conway, an aged seaman, doing duty as Quartermaster in the Warrington Navy Yard, Florida, at the time of its surrender, in promptly and indignantly refusing to obey, when ordered by Lieutenant F. B. Renshaw to haul down the national flag.—National Intelligencer, May 3.

—There was an immense Union meting at Detroit, Michigan. General Cass presided and delivered a short but effective speech.—(Doc. 95.)

—Two thousand federal troops are stationed at Cairo, Illinois. Of these, says the Charleston Courier of the 30th April, “fully three hundred are supposed to be negroes, and the remainder have been picked up from the gutters of Chicago, and among the Dutch. A force of one thousand firm-hearted Southern men would drive them from the place, if the attack was properly made.”

—The members of the Brown High School at Newburyport, Mass., raised the American flag near their school building in the presence of a large concourse of citizens. Patriotic speeches were made by Caleb Cushing and others.—(Doc. 96.)

—John Letcher, governor of Virginia, issued a proclamation authorizing the release of all private vessels and property seized by the State except the steamships Jamestown and Yorktown; advising the people to return to their usual avocations, promising them protection, and appealing to them “not to interfere with peaceable, unoffending citizens who preserve the peace and conform to our laws.”—(Doc. 97.)

April 23.—Several prominent citizens telegraphed President Davis to-day to hasten to Virginia with as many troops as he can catch up, assuring him that his army will grow like a snow-ball as it progresses. I have no doubt it would. I think it would swell to 50,000 before reaching Washington, and that the people on the route would supply the quartermaster’s stores, and improvise an adequate commissariat. I believe he could drive the Abolitionists out of Washington even yet, if he would make a bold dash, and that there would be a universal uprising in all the border States this side of the Susquehanna. But he does not respond. Virginia was too late moving, and North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Kentucky, and Missouri have not seceded yet — though all of them will soon follow Virginia. Besides, the vote on the ratification in this State is to take place a month hence. It would be an infringement of State rights, and would be construed as an invasion of Virginia! Could the Union men in the Convention, after being forced to pass the ordinance, have dealt a more fatal blow to their country? But that is not all. The governor is appointing his Union partisans to military positions. Nevertheless, as time rolls on, and eternal separation is pronounced by the events that must be developed, they may prove true to the best interests of their native land.

Every hour there are fresh arrivals of organized companies from the country, tendering their services to the governor; and nearly all the young men in the city are drilling. The cadets of the Military Institute are rendering good service now, and Professor Jackson is truly a benefactor. I hope he will take the field himself; and if he does, I predict for him a successful career.

April 23rd.—A lovely morning grew into a hot day. After breakfast, I sat in the shade watching the vagaries of some little tortoises, or terrapins, in a vessel of water close at hand, or trying to follow the bee-like flight of the humming-birds. Ah me! one wee brownie, with a purple head and red facings, managed to dash into a small grape or flower conservatory close at hand, and, innocent of the ways of the glassy wall, he or she —I am much puzzled as to the genders of hummingbirds, and Mr. Gould, with his wonderful mastery of Greek prefixes and Latin terminations, has not aided me much—dashed up and down from pane to pane, seeking to perforate each with its bill, and carrying death and destruction among the big spiders and their cobweb-castles which for the time barred the way.

The humming-bird had, as the Yankees say, a bad time of it, for its efforts to escape were incessant, and our host said tenderly, through his moustaches, “Pooty little thing, don’t frighten it!” as if he was quite sure of getting off to Saxony by the next steamer. Encumbered by cobwebs and exhausted, now and then our little friend toppled down among the green shrubs, and lay panting like a living nugget of ore. Again he, she, or it took wing and resumed that mad career; but at last on some happy turn the bright head saw an opening through the door, and out wings, body, and legs dashed, and sought shelter in a creeper, where the little flutterer lay, all but dead, so inanimate, indeed, that I could have taken the lovely thing and put it in the hollow of my hand. What would poets of Greece and Rome have said of the hummingbird? What would Hafiz, or Waller, or Spenser have sung, had they but seen that offspring of the sun and flowers?

Later in the day, when the sun was a little less fierce, we walked out from the belt of trees round the house on the plantation itself. At this time of year there is nothing to recommend to the eye the great breadth of flat fields, surrounded by small canals, which look like the bottoms of dried-up ponds, for the green rice has barely succeeded in forcing its way above the level of the rich dark earth. The river bounds the estate, and when it rises after the rains, its waters, loaded with loam and fertilizing mud, are let in upon the lands through the small canals, which are provided with sluices and banks and floodgates to control and regulate the supply.

The negroes had but little to occupy them now. The children of both sexes, scantily clad, were fishing in the canals and stagnant waters, pulling out horrible-looking little catfish. They were so shy that they generally fled at our approach. The men and women were apathetic, neither seeking nor shunning us, and I found that their master knew nothing about them. It is only the servants engaged in household duties who are at all on familiar terms with their masters.

The bailiff or steward was not to be seen. One big slouching negro, who seemed to be a gangsman or something of the kind, followed us in our walk, and answered any questions we put to him very readily. It was a picture to see his face when one of our party, on returning to the house, gave him a larger sum of money than he had probably ever possessed before in a lump. “What will he do with it?” Buy sweet things,—sugar, tobacco, a penknife, and such things. “They have few luxuries, and all their wants are provided for.” Took a cursory glance at the negro quarters, which are not very enticing or cleanly. They are surrounded by high palings, and the entourage is alive with their poultry.

Very much I doubt whether Mr. Mitchell is satisfied the Southerners are right in their present course, but he and Mr. Petigru are lawyers, and do not take a popular view of the question. After dinner the conversation again turned on the resources and power of the South, and on the determination of the people never to go back into the Union. Then cropped out again the expression of regret for the rebellion of 1776, and the desire that if it came to the worst, England would receive back her erring children, or give them a prince under whom they could secure a monarchical form of government. There is no doubt about the earnestness with which these things are said.

As the “Nina” starts down the river on her return voyage from Georgetown to-night, and Charleston Harbor may be blockaded at any time, thus compelling us to make a long detour by land, I resolve to leave by her, in spite of many invitations and pressure from neighbouring planters. At midnight our carriage came round, and we started in a lovely moonlight to Georgetown, crossing the ferry after some delay, in consequence of the profound sleep of the boatmen in their cabins. One of them said to me, “Musn’t go too near de edge ob de boat, massa.” “Why not? ” “Becas if massa fall ober, he not come up agin likely,—a bad ribber for drowned, massa.” He informed me it was full of alligators, which are always on the look-out for the planters’ and negroes’ dogs, and are hated and hunted accordingly.

The “Nina” was blowing the signal for departure, the only sound we heard all through the night, as we drove through the deserted streets of Georgetown, and soon after three o’clock, a.m., we were on board and in our berths.