Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.


It has been a cold windy day. It snowed some last night, and we are now having about as much Winter as we have had. The indications are now that Fort Sumpter will be evacuated and perhaps the other Forts in the seceded states, and that there will be no War. But in my opinion a peaceable separation will ultimately be brought about (probably with all the Slave States) and two confederacys be formed. Went with Julia (after calling on our neighbor Mr Douglass with my wife) to the Raven Club at Prof Whitakers, heard Doct Chesney discuss the Character of Queen Elizabeth.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.

Montgomery, March 21, 1861.

Hon. L. T. WIGFALL, Washington, D.C.:

MY DEAR SIR: I have just received your letter of the 17th instant. Orders were given to General Beauregard, at Charleston, to detail an officer for the special service at Baltimore, and I am only just informed that the officer appointed is still in Charleston. A person will be sent from this place to-night to perform that duty, with instructions to report to you if in Baltimore, and in your absence to William T. Walters, 68 Exchange Place, Baltimore. It will be much cheaper to ship the men as steerage passengers than by rail, and he will be so instructed unless you have special reasons for a contrary course.

Although it would be most agreeable to all of us to have you here, it occurs to me that you could render more efficient service by remaining in Baltimore until our recruiting depot is fully and successfully established as an institution. Captain Pender, the officer to be sent from here to inspect and superintend the shipment of the men, is directed to place himself under your orders, and will remain in Baltimore for some weeks. Such money as he may require within the scope of his business you will arrange for him to have.

I regret to say that I have no authority to receive the Washington company in the manner proposed. I have no other idea than war, and we hope soon to be ready for any emergency.

Very truly,


—A. H. Stephens, Vice-President of the “Confederate States” of the South, delivered a speech at Savannah, Ga. It is intended to be a vindication of the new features in the constitution, which has been adopted for their government.—(Doc. 48.)

MOBILE, March 21, 1861.

Hon. L. P. WALKER:

The sloop Isabella, laden with stores mostly for officers of the United States Navy at Pensacola, was seized last night by the acting mayor, and at the request of General Bragg.


Colonel First Regiment Infantry.

MONTGOMERY, March 21, 1861.

Hon. L. T. WIGFALL, Washington:

Officer leaves to-night with letter for you and full instructions. Did not know until half hour ago that Haskell had not gone. If men can’t wait ship them at once, and write Beauregard the vessel they are in, so that he may be ready to enlist on arrival.


WASHINGTON, March 21, 1861.

Hon. L. P. WALKER:

Large number of men in Baltimore. Cannot be kept together there much longer. Nothing heard of or from Haskell. What shall I do? Answer immediately.


March 20th.—The papers are still full of Sumter and Pickens. The reports that they are or are not to be relieved are stated and contradicted in each paper without any regard to individual consistency. The “Tribune” has an article on my speech at the St. Patrick’s dinner, to which it is pleased to assign reasons and motives which the speaker, at all events, never had in making it.

Received several begging letters, some of them apparently with only too much of the stamp of reality about their tales of disappointment, distress, and suffering. In the afternoon went down Broadway, which was crowded, notwithstanding the piles of blackened snow by the kerbstones, and the sloughs of mud, and half frozen pools at the crossings. Visited several large stores or shops — some rival the best establishments in Paris or London in richness and in value, and far exceed them in size and splendour of exterior. Some on Broadway, built of marble, or of fine cut stone, cost from £6000 to £8000 a year in mere rent. Here, from the base to the fourth or fifth story, are piled collections of all the world can produce, often in excess of all possible requirements of the country; indeed I was told that the United States have always imported more goods than they could pay for. Jewellers’ shops are not numerous, but there are two in Broadway which have splendid collections of jewels, and of workmanship in gold and silver, displayed to the greatest advantage in fine apartments decorated with black marble, statuary, and plate-glass.

New York has certainly all the air of a “nouveau riche.” There is about it an utter absence of any appearance of a grandfather—one does not see even such evidences of eccentric taste as are afforded in Paris and London, by the existence of shops where the old families of a country cast off their “exuviae” which are sought by the new, that they may persuade the world they are old; there is no curiosity shop, not to speak of a Wardour Street, and such efforts as are made to supply the deficiency reveal an enormous amount of ignorance or of bad taste. The new arts, however, flourish; the plague of photography has spread through all the corners of the city, and the shop-windows glare with flagrant displays of the most tawdry art. In some of the large booksellers’ shops—Appleton’s for example—are striking proofs of the activity of the American press, if not of the vigour and originality of the American intellect. I passed down long rows of shelves laden with the works of European authors, for the most part, oh shame! stolen and translated into American type without the smallest compunction or scruple, and without the least intention of ever yielding the most pitiful deodand to the authors. Mr. Appleton sells no less than one million and a half of Webster’s spelling books a year; his tables are covered with a flood of pamphlets, some for, others against coercion; some for, others opposed to slavery,—but when I asked for a single solid, substantial work on the present difficulty, I was told there was not one published worth a cent. With such men as Audubon and Wilson in natural history, Prescott and Motley in history, Washington Irving and Cooper in fiction, Longfellow and Edgar Poe in poetry, even Bryant and the respectabilities in rhyme, and Emerson as essayist, there is no reason why New York should be a paltry imitation of Leipsig, without the good faith of Tauchnitz.

I dined with a litterateur well known in England to many people a year or two ago—sprightly, loquacious, and well informed, if neither witty nor profound — now a Southern man with Southern proclivities, as Americans say; once a Southern man with such strong anti-slavery convictions, that his expression of them in an English quarterly had secured him the hostility of his own people—one of the emanations of American literary life for which their own country finds no fitting receiver. As the best proof of his sincerity, he has just now abandoned his connection with one of the New York papers on the republican side, because he believed that the course of the journal was dictated by anti-Southern fanaticism. He is, in fact, persuaded that there will be a civil war, and that the South will have much of the right on its side in the contest. At his rooms were Mons. B——, Dr. Gwin, a Californian ex-senator, Mr. Barlow, and several of the leading men of a certain clique in New York. The Americans complain, or assert, that we do not understand them, and I confess the reproach, or statement, was felt to be well founded by myself at all events, when I heard it declared and admitted that “if Mons. Belmont had not gone to the Charleston Convention, the present crisis would never have occurred.”

1861. March 20.—Dr. Hitchcock, of California, the surgeon of General Taylor at the battle of Buena Vista, who saved the life of Jeff. Davis by extracting from the wound he received a piece of steel of a spur and part of its leather strap, brought me direct from Secretary Black a despatch instructing me to oppose any recognition by this Government of a Minister from the Confederate States. . . I immediately asked an interview with Lord John Russell. As this despatch relates to high questions of domestic politics, and is dated as late as the 28th of February, only three days before the Inauguration, it suggests the possibility of its having been sanctioned by Mr. Lincoln, for his inaugural speaks to the same effect.

Macaulay’s fifth volume, edited by Lady Trevelyan, is just out, and is a brilliant specimen of picturesque history. His sketch of Peter the Great and his development of the rival pretensions to the Spanish succession are admirable in every way.


Cool again today, but not freezing. Busy in the office for two or three days on Steam gauges. Work in the office increasing this Month. Do not take much time now to read in office hours, am interupted much by frequent “calls.” Juliet commenced school with Miss Douglass today. The Boys go (as they have for some months) to Mr [De Harts?]. Went down to the Ave with my wife to make some purchases. I called at Willards, quite a crowd there yet, saw some that I knew. Came home about 8 with the “Times,” been reading all the evening. 1/2 past 10 o’clock.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.

—At about 7 o’clock this evening, Lieutenant Homer, in command of the Continentals, at drill was informed that there was a sloop lying at the wharf at the foot of Spanish alley in Mobile, which was laden with supplies for the United States fleet outside, between that place and Pensacola. A detachment of the company was on drill at the time, and Lieutenant Homer immediately ordered them down to the point mentioned, and then and there took charge of the little sloop Isabel. She was laden with beef, pork, barrels of eggs, etc. The person in charge acknowledged that these supplies were intended for the fleet outside.—Mobile Tribune, March 21.

—Correspondence between Mr. Secretary Seward and the Commissioners from the Confederate States is published.—(Doc. 47.)