Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.


Mercury down to 20 this morning with quite a cold wind, the day closeing with a snowstorm. It has been about as cold and wintry a day as we have had. Brother C R started for home on the the [sic] 3.10 train this afternoon. We have had a good pleasant visit from him, and he is very agreeable company. I went to the Depot with him and saw him off. He is to be Post Master at Williamstown. The office seekers are leaving, some satisfied and others growling. Holly is nearly well today. I did not sleep much last night, to bed early tonight.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.

FORT PICKENS, FLA., March 18, 1861.

Lieut. Col. L. THOMAS,  Assistant Adjutant-General, U. S. Army:

SIR: I have the honor to report that since my last report nothing has happened to disturb the peaceable relations existing between the United States forces and those opposing us. I have placed the fort in condition for defense as well as the means in my power would permit. The contractor has refused to furnish fresh beef, alleging that he is  without funds for purchasing cattle. The United States is indebted to him for three months’ supply.

If the intention of the Department is to place re-enforcements in the fort, I would recommend that subsistence stores be sent immediately.

On the morning of the 12th instant four negroes (runaways) came to the fort, entertaining the idea that we were placed here to protect them and grant them their freedom. I did what I could to teach them the contrary. In the afternoon I took them to Pensacola and delivered them to the city marshal, to be returned to their owners. That same night four more made their appearance. They were also turned over to the authorities next morning.

On the evening of the 12th I received this communication:

Near Pensacola, Fla., March 13, 1861.

To the U. S. Officer commanding Fort Pickens, Fla.:

SIR: The bearer of this communication, Capt. R. C. Wood, Army of the Confederate States, waits upon you in my behalf with the purpose of obtaining information necessary to enable me to understand our relative positions. He will communicate to you my views, and receive such reply as you may be pleased to make.

I have the honor to be your obedient servant,

Brigadier-General, Commanding.

As I was absent at Pensacola delivering up the negroes, I did not see Captain Wood. I made the following answer, accompanying it with copies of the agreement entered into by Colonel Chase and the War Department, with copies of such other papers as would enable the general to understand our positions:

FORT PICKENS, FLA., March 13, 1861.

General BRAXTON BRAGG, Comdg. the forces, &c., near Pensacola, Fla.:

SIR: Your communication of this date reached this post during my absence. I have the honor to send you a copy of the agreement entered into between Colonel Chase, Senator Mallory, and the War and Navy Departments, with such other communications as may enable you to understand our relative positions. Please let me know as soon as convenient whether you will consider the agreement binding on your part or not.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

First Lieutenant, First Artillery, Commanding.

To which I received the following reply:

Near Pensacola, Fla., March 13, 1861.

Lieut. A. J. SLEMMER, Commanding Fort Pickens:

SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge your communication of this date with its inclosures. In announcing to you my intention to conform strictly to the spirit of the agreement entered into by Colonel Chase, I beg to suggest to you that the erection of a battery on Santa Rosa Island bearing directly on our navy-yard is, in my view, directly in conflict with the spirit of the agreement. The erection of the works on this side bearing on the channel cannot, I conceive be taken as a menace against Fort Pickens, and the act seems to me fully justified as a means of defense, and especially so under the threats of the new administration.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Brigadier-General, Commanding.

The battery which the general mentions has no reality, and I so requested his aid, Lieutenant Gaines, to inform him.

On the 15th I made the following answer:

Fort PICKENS, FLA., March 15, 1861.


Comdg. Forces C.S., near Pensacola, Fla.:

SIR: I placed yesterday your communication of the 13th instant before the commander of the squadron off the harbor. This will account for the delay in announcing  to you that the assurances given are perfectly satisfactory. Of the erection of the batteries on either side, I have only to say that our views on that point are directly opposite.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your most obedient servant,

First Lieutenant, First Artillery, Commanding.

I sent yesterday by mail (via New Orleans) my monthly returns and muster rolls for February. I hope they will arrive safely. I was then not aware that Commander Adams would send a special messenger.

I would most respectfully call the attention of the commanding general to the fact that there is mention of a notification being given as to the termination of the agreement on either side.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

First Lieutenant, First Artillery, Commanding.

—Supplies were cut off from Fort Pickens and the fleet in the Gulf of Mexico.— (Doc. 46.)

Near Pensacola, Fla., March 18, 1861.

NO. 4.

The commanding general learns with surprise and regret that some of our citizens are engaged in the business of furnishing supplies of fuel, water, and provisions to the armed vessels of the United States now occupying a threatening position off this harbor.

That no misunderstanding may exist on this subject, it is announced to all concerned that this traffic is strictly forbidden, and all such supplies which may be captured in transit to such vessels, or to Fort Pickens, will be confiscated. The more effectually to enforce this prohibition, no boat or vessel will be allowed to visit Fort Pickens, or any United States naval vessel, without special sanction.

Col. John H. Forney, acting inspector-general, will organize an efficient harbor police for the enforcement of this order.

By command of Brig. Gen. Braxton Bragg:


Assistant Adjutant-General.

MONTGOMERY, March 18, 1861.

General G. T. BEAUREGARD, Charleston:

Order Lieutenant Haskell to Baltimore. Inquire for W. T. Walters and Hon. L. T. Wigfall. His duty, superintend shipment of men to Charleston, where they will be enlisted, and see if they are fit. Must conceal his mission except from those in secret. Wigfall has the money. Must go at once.


Sunday, 17th March.—The first thing I saw this morning, after a vision of a waiter pretending to brush my clothes with a feeble twitch composed of fine fibre had vanished, was a procession of men, forty or fifty perhaps, preceded by a small band (by no excess of compliment can I say, of music), trudging through the cold and slush two and two: they wore shamrocks, or the best resemblance thereto which the American soil can produce, in their hats, and green silk sashes emblazoned with crownless harp upon their coats, but it needed not these insignia to tell they were Irishmen, and their solemn mien indicated that they were going to mass. It was agreeable to see them so well clad and respectable looking, though occasional hats seemed as if they had just recovered from severe contusions, and others had the picturesque irregularity of outline now and then observable in the old country. The aspect of the street was irregular, and its abnormal look was increased by the air of the passers-by, who at that hour were domestics — very finely dressed negroes, Irish, or German. The coloured ladies made most elaborate toilettes, and as they held up their broad crinolines over the mud looked not unlike double-stemmed mushrooms. “They’re concayted poor craythures them niggirs, male and faymale,” was the remark of the waiter as he saw me watching them. “There seem to be no sparrows in the streets,” said I. “Sparrashe exclaimed; “and then how did you think a little baste of a sparra could fly across the ochean?” I felt rather ashamed of myself.

And so down-stairs where there was a table d’hdte room, with great long tables covered with cloths, plates, and breakfast apparatus, and a smaller room inside, to which I was directed by one of the white-jacketted waiters. Breakfast over, visitors began to drop in. At the “office” of the hotel, as it is styled, there is a tray of blank cards and a big pencil, whereby the cardless man who is visiting is enabled to send you his name and title. There is a comfortable “reception room,” in which he can remain and read the papers, if you are engaged, so that there is little chance of your ultimately escaping him. And, indeed, not one of those who came had any but most hospitable intents.

Out of doors the weather was not tempting. The snow lay in irregular layers and discoloured mounds along the streets, and the gutters gorged with “snow-bree” flooded the broken pavement. But after a time the crowds began to issue from the churches, and it was announced as the necessity of the day, that we were to walk up and down the Fifth Avenue and look at each other. This is the west-end of London—its Belgravia and Grosvenoria represented in one long street, with offshoots of inferior dignity at right angles to it. Some of the houses are handsome, but the greater number have a compressed, squeezed-up aspect, which arises from the compulsory narrowness of frontage in proportion to the height of the building, and all of them are bright and new, as if they were just finished to order,—a most astonishing proof of the rapid development of the city. As the hall door is made an important feature in the residence, the front parlour is generally a narrow, lanky apartment, struggling for existence between the hall and the partition of the next house. The outer door, which is always provided with fine carved panels and mouldings, is of some rich varnished wood, and looks much better than our painted doors. It is generously thrown open so as to show an inner door with curtains and plate glass. The windows, which are double on account of the climate, are frequently of plate glass also. Some of the doors are on the same level as the street, with a basement story beneath; others are approached by flights of steps, the basement for servants having the entrance below the steps, and this, I believe, is the old Dutch fashion, and the name of “stoop” is still retained for it. No liveried servants are to be seen about the streets, the doorways, or the area-steps. Black faces in gaudy caps, or an unmistakable “Biddy” in crinoline are their substitutes. The chief charm of the street was the living ornature which moved up and down the trottoirs. The costumes of Paris, adapted to the severity of this wintry weather, were draped round pretty, graceful figures which, if wanting somewhat in that rounded fulness of the Medicean Venus, or in height, were svelte and well poised. The French boot has been driven off the field by the Balmoral, better suited to the snow; and one must at once admit— all prejudices notwithstanding—that the American woman is not only well shod and well gloved, but that she has no reason to fear comparisons in foot or hand with any daughter of Eve, except, perhaps, the Hindoo.

The great and most frequent fault of the stranger in any land is that of generalizing from a few facts. Every one must feel there are “pretty days” and “ugly days” in the world, and that his experience on the one would lead him to conclusions very different from that to which he would arrive on the other. Today I am quite satisfied that if the American women are deficient in stature and in that which makes us say, “There is a fine woman,” they are easy, well formed, and full of grace and prettiness. Admitting a certain pallor—which the Russians, by the bye, were wont to admire so much that they took vinegar to produce it— the face is not only pretty, but sometimes of extraordinary beauty, the features fine, delicate, well defined. Ruby lips, indeed, are seldom to be seen, but now and then the flashing of snowy-white evenly-set ivory teeth dispels the delusion that the Americans are—though the excellence of their dentists be granted—naturally ill provided with what they take so much pains, by eating bon-bons and confectionery, to deprive of their purity and colour.

My friend R——, with whom I was walking, knew every one in the Fifth Avenue, and we worked our way through a succession of small talk nearly as far as the end of the street which runs out among divers places in the State of New York, through a débris of unfinished conceptions in masonry. The abrupt transition of the city into the country is not unfavourable to an idea that the Fifth Avenue might have been transported from some great workshop, where it had been built to order by a despot, and dropped among the Red men: indeed, the immense growth of New York in this direction, although far inferior to that of many parts of London, is remarkable as the work of eighteen or twenty years, and is rendered more conspicuous by being developed in this elongated street, and its contingents. I was introduced to many persons to-day, and was only once or twice asked how I liked New York; perhaps I anticipated the question by expressing my high opinion of the Fifth Avenue. Those to whom I spoke had generally something to say in reference to the troubled condition of the country, but it was principally of a self-complacent nature. “I suppose, sir, you are rather surprised, coming from Europe, to find us so quiet here in New York: we are a peculiar people, and you don’t understand us in Europe.”

In the afternoon I called on Mr. Bancroft, formerly minister to England, whose work on America must be rather rudely interrupted by this crisis. Anything with an “ex” to it in America is of little weight—ex-presidents are nobodies, though they have had the advantage, during their four years’ tenure of office, of being prayed for as long as they live. So it is of ex-ministers, whom nobody prays for at all. Mr. Bancroft conversed for some time on the aspect of affairs, but he appeared to be unable to arrive at any settled conclusion, except that the republic, though in danger, was the most stable and beneficial form of government in the world, and that as a Government it had no power to coerce the people of the South or to save itself from the danger. I was indeed astonished to hear from him and others so much philosophical abstract reasoning as to the right of seceding, or, what is next to it, the want of any power in the Government to prevent it.

Returning home in order to dress for dinner, I got into a street-railway-car, a long low omnibus drawn by horses over a strada ferrata in the middle of the street. It was filled with people of all classes, and at every crossing some one or other rang the bell, and the driver stopped to let out or to take in passengers, whereby the unoffending traveller became possessed of much snow-droppings and mud on boots and clothing. I found that by far a greater inconvenience caused by these street-railways was the destruction of all comfort or rapidity in ordinary carriages.

I dined with a New York banker, who gave such a dinner as bankers generally give all over the world. He is a man still young, very kindly, hospitable, well informed, with a most charming household—an American by theory, an Englishman in instincts and tastes —educated in Europe, and sprung from British stock. Considering the enormous interests he has at stake, I was astonished to perceive how calmly he spoke of the impending troubles. His friends, all men of position in New York society, had the same dilettante tone, and were as little anxious for the future, or excited by the present, as a party of savans chronicling the movements of a ” magnetic storm.”

On going back to the hotel, I heard that Judge Daly and some gentlemen had called to request that I would dine with the Friendly Society of St. Patrick to-morrow at Astor House. In what is called “the bar,” I met several gentlemen, one of whom said, “the majority of the people of New York, and all the respectable people, were disgusted at the election of such a fellow as Lincoln to be President, and would back the Southern States, if it came to a split.”

SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 1861.

It threatened rain all day but none fell. Holly has been rather sick today, sore throat, cold, &c. Julia D[itt]o. Neither went to church. Uncle C R and the rest of us all went to Doct. Smiths in the morning. Bro & myself went over to the Island to hear Mason Noble in the afternoon. Bro thinks of starting home tomorrow, must try and keep him a little longer. He seems very near to me as a Brother. We have concluded not to send Juliet back to Elmira this term. Holly has considerable fever tonight and we feel somewhat anxious about him. I sleep with him tonight.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.

CINCINNATI, March 17, 1861.

DEAR UNCLE:—I received yours of the 13th yesterday. I shall not come out for three or four weeks, perhaps not so soon. It is not yet possible to guess how the [city] election will go, but the chances are decidedly against our side. The Democrats and Know-nothings have united and will nominate their ticket this week. If they nominate men tolerably acceptable to both wings of the fusion, they will succeed beyond all question. Their majority at the last election over the Republicans was nearly three thousand. We can’t beat this. Our chance is that there will be some slip or mistake which will upset the union. I shall go under with the rest, but expect to run ahead of the ticket. Of course, I prefer not to be beaten, but I have got out of the office the best there is in it for me. I shall get me an office alone, and start anew—a much pleasanter condition of things than the one I left with Corwine.

Yes, giving up Fort Sumter is vexing. It hurts our little election, too; but I would give up the prospect of office, if it would save the fort, with the greatest pleasure.

Elinor Mead¹ leaves us on Tuesday to return home the last of the week. She has enjoyed her visit, I think. Mother is very well again; is able to go out, to shop and to church. Little Ruddy (our brag boy now) has been sick, but is getting nearly well. The other boys count largely on going to Fremont this summer.





¹A cousin from Vermont; later to become the wife of William Dean Howells, who that winter was a newspaper correspondent at Columbus.

FORT SUMTER, S. C., March 17, 1861.

General Jos. G. TOTTEN,
Chief Engineer U. S. Army, Washington, D. C.:

GENERAL: The unusual activity observed and reported yesterday morning in the surrounding batteries was due to preparations for receiving some distinguished person who visited them in the afternoon.

It is supposed that this was Vice-President Stephens, of the so-called Southern Confederacy. Three rounds were fired from all the batteries on Morris Island, except No. 1, apparently as much for practice as for saluting, for most of the guns not pointed in this direction were shotted. This firing enabled me to detect the positions and approximate calibers of the guns in these batteries.

imageThe marginal sketch represents this roughly:

No. 1. Battery of sand and palmetto logs, four 24-pounders.

No. 2. Iron-clad battery, three guns, 42-pounders or 8-inch columbiads.

No. 3. Battery of sand and palmetto logs, three guns, 24-pounders or 32-pounders.

No. 4. Battery of sand and palmetto logs, with one 8-inch columbiad or 8-inch sea-coast howitzer.

No. 5. Star of the West battery, five guns, 24-pounders or 32-pounders.

a is a large magazine; b, c, d are defenses of the character of redoubts on top of three sand hills.

There were two guns at each round fired from the light-house battery. Three or four more guns were landed yesterday with barbette carriages, and most of them (in fact, all that are removed from the landing which is in front of battery No. 1, where there is deep water close in shore) were carried around upon the channel side. One, at least, was placed in battery No. 4, making four guns in that battery at present.

These guns with barbette carriages came from Castle Pinckney, nearly the whole of the upper tier of which is being removed for this purpose. None of the guns from Fort Moultrie bearing upon this fort or the channel have been removed. No work is being done on the batteries looking towards us. All preparations are directed to strengthening the channel batteries very much, and to covering the present batteries in the rear, which was before open.

No work of any magnitude is being done on Cummings Point to-day (Sunday). On James Island the work on the covered way connecting the flank of the line of intrenchments and the mortar battery is being continued.

The weather is pleasant, although there are indications of a storm brewing.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Captain of Engineers.

1861. March 17. —A long and interesting telegram by the America. The Inauguration on the 4th had gone off without disturbance of any kind, in the presence of some thirty thousand persons. Mr. Lincoln’s address was both firm and mild,—firm against the constitutionality of secession, mild in assurances and language. Nothing in the telegram about convening the new Congress, nor about the new Tariff bill, though he noticed the passage of Corwin’s resolution to amend the Constitution by expressly prohibiting Congress from meddling with slavery in the States, and approved it.