Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

by John Beauchamp Jones

            AUGUST 10TH.—Hot and dry until 4 P.M. Gust, and 15 minutes’ rain. Good for turnips.

            Forts Gaines and Powell are lost—the latter blown up. Gen. Maury telegraphs for infantry, has some 4000 men for the defense ofMobile, etc.

            Our raiders, under McCausland and Bradley Johnson, it is said were surprised and defeated last Sunday, with loss of 400 men, 500 horses, and 4 pieces of artillery. A rumor prevails that Early has gained another victory nearWinchester.

            No news yet from our agent sent to North Carolina to purchase supplies, but we learn flour and bacon are not held one-quarter as high there as here. I do sincerely hope Grant’s raiders will keep quiet until I can get something to eat!

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