Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

November 17th. — Dark and dismal—threatening rain or snow. Quiet below; but we have no papers to-day, yesterday being holiday.

It is rumored that Gen. Sheridan (Federal) is sailing from Washington to reinforce Grant, and that Gen. Early is marching hitherward from the Valley. There may be renewed operations against Richmond, or Grant may penetrate North Carolina. No one knows what will happen a month or a week hence.

Mr. Hunter was again with Mr. Seddon this morning.

Governor Smith’s exemption mill is yet grinding out exemptions, sometimes fifty per day. Constables, department clerks, and sheriffs, commonwealth’s attorneys, commissioners of the revenue, etc etc., who win his favor, get his certificate of exemption, as necessary for the State administration.

A dispatch from Gen. Wheeler, Jonesborough, November 14th, says Sherman has three corps at Atlanta, and is destroying railroads between him and Marietta, probably intending to move forward—farther South.

Another dispatch from Gen. W., dated 14th inst., Lovejoy’s, Georgia, says scouts from enemy’s rear report that Sherman left Atlanta yesterday morning, with 15th, 17th, and 21st corps, in two columns, one on the Jonesborough, and one on the McDonough Roads—cavalry on his flanks. Many houses have been burned in Rome, Marietta, and Atlanta, and the railroad bridge over Chattanooga River (in his rear)! Enemy advancing this morning. To Gen. Bragg.

Twelve M. Still another dispatch from Gen. Wheeler to Gen. Bragg, dated Jonesborough, 3 P.M., 15th inst. “Enemy advanced early this morning with infantry, cavalry, artillery, and wagons— have driven our cavalry back upon this place—strength not yet ascertained, etc.”

Still another dispatch:

“Griffin, Ga., November 16th, 1864.

“To Gen. Bragg.

“Enemy checked this evening near Bear Creek—enemy evidently marching to Macon.

“Jos. Wheeler, Major-General.”

The dispatches from Gen. Weeler have produced no little commotion in the War Office.

Gen. J. E. Johnston’s report of his Georgia campaign concludes by asserting that he did intend to defend Atlanta; that he retreated before overwhelming numbers; that the President did not favor him with any directions; that Lee retreated before Grant, and everybody praised him for it; that Gen. Hood professed to be his friend, when seeking his removal, or cognizant of the purpose to remove him; and that the vituperation heaped upon him in certain papers seemed to have Executive authorization at Richmond.

The President indorses this growlingly; that it all differs with his understanding of the facts at the time, etc.

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