Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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Relations with Miss Dix.

July 29, 2011

Woolsey family letters during the War for the Union

Having established our own position and made it clear that we had no intention of being bluffed off, we were accepted by the surgeons and Miss Dix at our own valuation (purposely made high!) and from that moment our path was as a shining light. All hospitals were open to us, and our relations with Miss Dix became most cordial and friendly, as the following notes, among many received from her (nearly all undated), show.

My dear Miss Woolsey: I am thankful you are going to the hospital. Express to the good nurses my kind regards and purpose of seeing them so soon as I am able. Thanks for the lovely flowers, with cordial regards to Mrs. H. I have very little strength; excuse brevity and abruptness. I must have some consultation with you so soon as I am better, concerning the position of the nurses. I fear they are over-tasked.

Very cordially yours,

D. L. Dix.

–  –  –  –  –

My dear Miss Woolsey: Will you give a little attention to the hospitals at Alexandria through next week for me if convenient? Any requisition on my stores will always be promptly met.

I still feel that all the nurses who are really conscientious are very heavily tasked.

Yours most cordially,

D. L. Dix.

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