Saturday, 18th.—Got to Morton at 10 last night. Got on gravel train that was gathering up railroad stuff. Conductor said engine could not pull so many soldiers; there were quite a lot of us by this time, and tried to make us get off; had soldier guards, that he ordered to shoot us if we did not get off, but we were not at all afraid of soldiers shooting another soldier that had been through the siege of Vicksburg. So we told the conductor to go ahead as far as he could, and if he did stall, we would get off and push. After cursing awhile, and finding we were determined to ride, he went on to Lake Station; here we got on a freight train, which took us to Meridian, about sundown. We called at Provost Headquarters and were ordered to go to Provost camps, but knowing our regiment was marching to Enterprise, we walked to the depot. A cotton train coming by and stopping, we climbed on, and in a short time we were in Enterprise, beating the regiment that had left us sick at Raymond, about two days.

Robert M. Magill—Personal Reminiscences of a Confederate Soldier Boy.
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