Monday, 24th.—15th Company F, sent on picket two hours before day. 8 A. M., still in line of battle on Chattanooga Creek; heavy cannonading about the point of the mountain. 12 M., very heavy cannonading on point; 1 P. M., heavy skirmishing on the mountain. 1:15 P. M., Federals charged mountain; came over the mountain, down under the point, across a field, in plain view of us; went up to works; our forces have fallen back a little. 2 P. M. Fog has risen so we can see the battle; 3 P. M., firing rather slow; 3:15 P. M., battle raging with renewed vigor. Yanks have our works, but seem as though they can’t go farther. 4 P. M., battle still raging; 4:30 P. M., reported Walthal’s Brigade pretty badly cut up, there being no other troops on the mountain; 5 P. M., battle continues unabated. Yanks falling back a little. Rebs re-inforced with Lee’s Brigade, Alabamians; 6 P. M., raining; 11 P. M., firing ceased. The general opinion is that Lookout Mountain is taken.