Thursday, 23d.—Yesterday we were moved out and formed in two lines of battle—Cummings’ Brigade in front and Pettus’ in second. About 4:30 P. M., ordered forward. Drove in pickets and went within fifty yards of works, when we were ordered to halt, owing to the line not coming up on our right. After firing a few rounds, were ordered to fall back. Hiram McAbee killed; Cousin Robert Magill seriously wounded in left hip. Good many of brigade killed and wounded. Forty killed and wounded in our regiment. At night fell back one-fourth of a mile. For the next few days it was simply skirmishing, marching, fortifying, listening to the firing of cannons and sharp-shooting.

Robert M. Magill—Personal Reminiscences of a Confederate Soldier Boy.
Previous post: Diary of a Line Officer.