Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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“We are the Twenty-third Regiment…”—Rutherford B. Hayes

June 10, 2011

Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes

COLUMBUS, June 10, 1861.

DEAR UNCLE:—Matthews and myself are here and find that the governor makes up a list of regimental officers, calls it a regimental organization and assigns to it companies as he pleases, preferring to select officers from one part of the State and men from another. We are the Twenty-third Regiment¹ and our companies will probably be from the north. The men indicated are said to be a superior body. We have seen the captains and are favorably impressed. Of course this policy is calculated to cause embarrassment, but the governor shoulders the responsibility and we are not involved in any personal unpleasantness. We shall be here probably a week before going down to make our final preparations.

I may not be able to visit Fremont. If not you will see me here.





¹ The first three-years regiment organized in Ohio

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