Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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“It is a gentlemanly, social life, with just business and exercise enough to pass the time.”—Rutherford B. Hayes

July 5, 2011

Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes

CAMP CHASE, July 5, 1861.

DEAR UNCLE:—I have so little to write that I have, perhaps, neglected you. . . . . We are getting on very pleasantly here. It is a gentlemanly, social life, with just business and exercise enough to pass the time.

I have probably engaged a horse for one hundred dollars—a dark sorrel, good stock, neat, graceful, and of good temper.

Dr. Joe has been appointed our surgeon. We have not heard from home since he received the appointment, but I expect him to accept it. It will please Lucy and mother particularly. Let me hear of or from you often.




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