Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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“…armed sentinels about as dangerous to friends as to foes.”—Rutherford B. Hayes

July 6, 2011

Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes,The American Civil War

CAMP CHASE, July 6, 1861.

DEAREST:—I have written to John Herron to supply you with what money you need for the present, and I suppose it will be convenient for him to do so out of a loan I made him some time ago. It does not seem like Saturday. The Fourth was like Sunday here. Colonel Matthews and I formed the regiment into a hollow square (rather oblong, in fact). I read the Declaration and he made a short pithy speech and wound up with cheers for the Union; and no more duty during the day. In the evening there were fire-balls and a few fireworks. A little shower this morning laid the dust, a fine thing in our little Sahara.

Colonel Matthews came in last night from Columbus, saying he rode out with the surgeon of the Twenty-sixth—the one intended for us—”and what an escape we have made. He is a green, ignorant young doctor who has all to learn.” I suppose Dr. Joe is getting ready to come; we hear nothing from him; I hope we shall see him soon. I am seeing to his hut which is building today. Uncle is rather better but not decidedly so. We have a lot of Secessionists from Virginia—a good camp sensation. I went in late last night after ball-cartridges, which stirred up the soldiers with its warlike look. I esteem these armed sentinels about as dangerous to friends as to foes. Here is our style of countersign. Done up Know-nothing fashion. Love to all and much for your own dear self.




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