Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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“He is called the cheapest and one of the best horses in camp…”—Rutherford B. Hayes

July 11, 2011

Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes

CAMP CHASE, July 11, 1861.

DEAR UNCLE:—I am now almost at home. Lucy is at Platt’s with Birch and Webb. Dr. Joe came yesterday bringing Webb with him. We shall have the boys out here a good deal. It is a good place for them. Birch was infinitely disgusted to meet me without my uniform on.

I have my horse here and ride him all about the camp and parade ground. Although young, he is sensible to the last. I shall probably not need Ned, Jr. A horse must canter or lope well to be of any account in a camp. The colonel and Matthews have both been disappointed in theirs. Matthews sent his back home yesterday. My sorrel cost one hundred dollars. He is called the cheapest and one of the best horses in camp. . . .




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