Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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“The indications are that we shall soon move.”—Rutherford B. Hayes

July 18, 2011

Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes

CAMP CHASE, July 18, 1861.

DEAR UNCLE:—I have just read your letter of the 16th. I hope it is good proof that you are mending rapidly. It is pleasant to see your own handwriting again.

Our men are uniformed and we are daily receiving our needful equipments. The indications are that we shall soon move. In what direction and under whose command, we do not know. We are not very particular. We prefer the mountainous region of Virginia or Tennessee.

If Ned, Jr. was down here, I would try what could be done with him. But the travelling is done so much by rail, that I hardly need two horses. My sorrel is a good one.

My notion is that we shall go within a fortnight. Lucy and the two boys will stay until we go with Platt. Come down if you can, but not at the risk of health. Write often. No letters are so good as yours.




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