May 5. — The whole of Sedgwick’s corps got across by 4 A.M., the enemy shelling at random, but not injuring any one. The night was dark and foggy, and favorable for taking up the bridges, which were swung round dismantled during the mist, the boats being drawn up the ravines under cover. During the day the enemy shelled us, throwing some shells over two miles. In the afternoon we started for United States Ford, having sent our wagons back to headquarters. We reached the ford at about 3.30 o’clock, and I was sent forward in a pouring rain to General Hooker, whom I found 3 miles out. He said that General Benham might return to camp. We found that the whole army was going to retreat during the night. On the way up, we passed all the wagon trains of the army on their way to Potomac Creek. We left United States Ford at 5 o’clock, and I went ahead. On arriving at the railroad, I found the creek so swollen that it could not be forded, so I went back to Falmouth, and spent the night with John Perry.

War Diary and Letters of Stephen Minot Weld.
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