Thursday, May 5. — Started at daybreak and marched 6 miles, when we joined the remainder of the regiment near Germanna Ford. We soon started again, and crossed the river on a pontoon bridge at the ford. Heard that the army met with little opposition here. Saw some of General Grant’s staff, who told us that our army was in position at Mine Run and was to attack this morning. General Grant ordered us to hold the hills and fortifications which command the crossing, which we did. His aide told us that Sherman telegraphed that all looked well, and that he was to attack to-day. Gillmore and Smith attack Petersburg to-day, and we feel of the enemy at Mine Run, where he retreated after the crossing of the army yesterday. Heard cannon and musketry about one o’clock, continuing at intervals during the afternoon. Started about 8 P.M. to march, but were ordered back again. The 10th and 4th Regulars joined us to-day.

War Diary and Letters of Stephen Minot Weld.
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