Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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War Diary and Letters of Stephen Minot Weld.

June 14, 2014

War diary and letters of Stephen Minot Weld

Tuesday, June 14. — Routed out at 4.3o A.m., to move. Crossed a creek at Pollock’s Mills. About a mile farther we crossed the Chickahominy, which divides, running round an island. The branches were not over 25 feet broad. Saw Colonel Spaulding[1] here. We then marched down to within two miles of the James River, near Tyler’s Mills. Halted here an hour, opposite Ex-President Tyler’s house. Moved on three miles, and went in rear of the Sixth Corps, where we camped for night. Dalton came over, and gave us provisions.

[We had been twenty-four hours without food. By changing our base from White House over to the James River we interrupted the commissariat somewhat. I do not think I was ever so hungry in my life. We stacked arms in line of battle, and just as we did so a quail flew up. The men had broken ranks, and they gave chase and caught him, and he was given to me and I had him broiled for my supper. Henry Dalton came over also and gave us some hard-tack. Adjutant Lipp caught a box-turtle and had him roasted. Late in the evening we all of us had plenty to eat.]

[1] Commander of one of the regiments in the Engineer Brigade.

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