Alexandria, Va., May 1, 1865.
Dear Hannah, — We arrived here last Thursday and are now encamped about two miles from the city. We have quite a pretty camping ground on a hillside, directly south of Fairfax Seminary, and in sight of the different forts. We are on a Mr. Fowle’s place, whose house is quite a pretty one, more like our modern country residences around Boston than any I have seen.
We had quite a pleasant passage up from City Point on the steamer Montauk, a propeller. We had only our regiment on board, all of whom behaved themselves and gave us no trouble. We had the most delightful weather. I was quite unwell all the way, and until yesterday did not feel like myself again. I had a sort of bilious fever, something like what I had three years ago at Yorktown. I am perfectly well now.
In regard to losing my valise, I will tell you all I know. When I got off the cars at Meade’s Station, I gave my valise and bedding to an ambulance driver to take to General Willcox’s headquarters at Petersburg. When I sent for my things, my valise was not to be found, and no one knew where it was. The first thing I heard of it, was a note from a captain in the 1st Massachusetts Cavalry, saying that it had been picked up in the woods near City Point by some of his men, rifled of its contents. He has since sent it to me. My scarf-pins were taken, amongst other things.
I spent part of Sunday in Washington with Father. He starts for home this morning.
From all that I can learn, we shall be mustered out of service in a few weeks. We shall probably remain here until that takes place.
I saw Lane Brandon, one of my classmates, among those prisoners captured with Ewell. I think I did not write you of this. He seemed quite pleasant although rather blue. . . .
We are having a cold chilly day here.
Johnny Hayden came to see me day before yesterday. He is stationed at Alexandria.