Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Post image for “The children play only with toy cannons and soldiers; the oldest inhabitant goes by every day with his rifle to practice.”— Fort Sumter.—War Diary of a Union Woman in the South.

“The children play only with toy cannons and soldiers; the oldest inhabitant goes by every day with his rifle to practice.”— Fort Sumter.—War Diary of a Union Woman in the South.

April 20, 2011

The American Civil War,War Diary of a Union Woman in the South by Dora Richards Miller

April 20.—The last few days have glided away in a halo of beauty. I can’t remember such a lovely spring ever before. But nobody has time or will to enjoy it. War, war! is the one idea. The children play only with toy cannons and soldiers; the oldest inhabitant goes by every day with his rifle to practice; the public squares are full of companies drilling, and are now the fashionable resorts. We have been told that it is best for women to learn how to shoot too, so as to protect themselves when the men have all gone to battle. Every evening after dinner we adjourn to the back lot and fire at a target with pistols.

Yesterday I dined at Uncle Ralph’s. Some members of the bar were present and were jubilant about their brand-new Confederacy. It would soon be the grandest government ever known. Uncle Ralph said solemnly, “No, gentlemen; the day we seceded the star of our glory set.” The words sunk into my mind like a knell, and made me wonder at the mind that could recognize that and yet adhere to the doctrine of secession.

In the evening I attended a farewell gathering at a friend’s whose brothers are to leave this week for Richmond. There was music. No minor chord was permitted.


Note: To protect Mrs. Miller’s job as a teacher in New Orleans, the diary was published anonymously, edited by G. W. Cable, names were changed and initials were often used instead of full names — and even the initials differed from the real person’s initials.

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