Washington, D. C.
New York, May 18, 1863.
My Dear Sir,—I received this morning a letter from Baron Rothschild, M. P. for the city of London, to whom I had given a letter of introduction in favor of Mr. Evarts. He writes me :—
” I thank you for your information about the mission of Mr. W. M. Evarts, and shall be very glad to see him and to introduce him to some of the leading men of our government and Parliament.
” This mission seems to show a desire to preserve friendly relations with us, and nothing will contribute more to accomplish this object than for it to be known that a sincere feeling of the kind exists.”
I take the liberty of communicating this extract to you, supposing that it will interest you. Baron Rothschild, who is on very intimate terms with Lord Russell and the prominent members of the British cabinet, has for some time past given me repeated assurances of the earnest desire of the English ministry to maintain friendly relations with us, and to prevent, as far as it could do, any violation of neutrality on the part of British subjects.