Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Post image for “Men are taking sides, some for the North, some for the South. Hot words and fierce looks have followed, and there has been a storm in the air for a long time.”—Village Life in America.

“Men are taking sides, some for the North, some for the South. Hot words and fierce looks have followed, and there has been a storm in the air for a long time.”—Village Life in America.

April 3, 2011

The American Civil War,Village Life in America, 1852 - 1872, by Caroline Cowles Richards

April.—We seem to have come to a sad, sad time. The Bible says, “A man’s worst foes are those of his own household.” The whole United States has been like one great household for many years. “United we stand, divided we fall! ” has been our watchword, but some who should have been its best friends have proven false and broken the bond. Men are taking sides, some for the North, some for the South. Hot words and fierce looks have followed, and there has been a storm in the air for a long time.

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