Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

“We go together.” Woolsey family letters; Eliza, who had by this time definitely abandoned the idea of trying to stay behind, alone, writes to Georgeanna.

June 20, 2011

The American Civil War,Woolsey family letters during the War for the Union

Post image for “We go together.” Woolsey family letters; Eliza, who had by this time definitely abandoned the idea of trying to stay behind, alone, writes to Georgeanna.

from Tioronda, June 20:

We will go together, as you say, and will keep as near Joe as possible, though where it may be is entirely uncertain. They will march like others, with sealed orders. I go to Albany on Friday to see them in camp again before they leave. Will you go too? Joe has ordered a mess-chest and camp-table, and wants a cookery-book. I think I have seen one for army use advertised. Will you get me a simple one of any kind, civil or military, and send or bring it up? Simple directions for soups, gruels, stews, etc., are all he wants. His advice to me is to close up my affairs here and go to Mother for a while, till he can reach Washington and spy out the land. He wants us to be all ready to move but not to move hastily, and he says we must take Moritz with us as body-servant wherever we go. If any of you are near Tiffany’s the next few days you might hurry the flags up.

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