Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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Reminiscences of the Civil War by William and Adelia Lyon.

May 15, 2014

Reminiscences of the Civil War, William and Adelia Lyon

Colonel Lyon’s Letters.

Stevenson, Ala., Sun., May 15, 1864.—I have had two ragged sheets made into one, and now have a pair of good sheets. I bathed last night and had Jerry wash and dry my single towel before I got up this morning. Jerry does all my room work. The doctor fixed me up some tansy bitters and I worry down a little of the bitter stuff about twice a day.

I spent yesterday and Friday inspecting the railroad defenses in my beat. I stayed Friday night at Anderson, with Captain Noyes. The companies on the railroad are well suited, and are willing to stay there. The whole regiment seems contented.

How glorious the news that comes from General Grant! The heavy fighting of this war, I believe, is nearly over, although the army must be retained some time yet.

General Rousseau has just sent me 125 colored soldiers to work on the fortifications. This relieves the 13th very much.

Everything is perfectly quiet in our vicinity, no force of rebels anywhere near us, but there are guerilla scares nearly every day.

I hope before another year I will be home for good. When I get there, don’t expect me to leave the dooryard, unless I am obliged to, for about three months.

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