Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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Reminiscences of the Civil War by William and Adelia Lyon.

June 20, 2014

Reminiscences of the Civil War, William and Adelia Lyon

Colonel Lyon’s Letters.


Claysville, Ala., Sun., June 20, 1864.—Colonel Chapman goes tomorrow morning with Companies A. B and K too Whitesburg, ten miles south of Huntsville, where he will have command.

It seems very healthy here. The regiment is uncommonly healthy. We shall occupy more than 40 miles of the river. I shall have about 250 men here, or close by. We are making arrangments to get mails and supplies by river.

We are not entirely out of the world, as a gunboat patrols the river from Bridgeport to Decatur once or twice a week; and there is a railroad from Nashville to Decatur, you know. This boat will carry us up and down at any time.

We hear that Forrest has whipped us near Memphis and is making his way to Decatur. This will give the 18th Michigan a job, if true. Colonel Jim Howe’s brigade is there, including the 32d Wisconsin. General Granger is there, too. The 13th Wisconsin is not there. I hear that the 8th Wisconsin is at Vicksburg on its way home on veteran furlough. I wish you to show all possible attention to my Company K boys. Tell them that I do not do much fighting now-a-days, but I think a heap about them.

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