Colonel Lyon’s Letters.
Claysville, Ala, Tues., Aug. 23, 1864.—The rebels are on the other side of the river in some force, but they do not act at all threatening. They seem to be doing the same duty on that side of the river that we are doing on this side—that is, picketing the river and watching us. Thus far they have shown no disposition to get across, but of course I know nothing of their intentions. We, however, keep a strict watch on them. They appear to be in our front from here to Whitesburg.
The river is getting quite high and two gunboats passed down yesterday to Decatur. It is rather agreeable to have these fellows about when there is an enemy near us. It seems a little more like war to see an enemy occasionally, but I do not expect to have a fight with them unless I go over there after it, which I may do when I ascertain more about their position and strength. However, I shall take no unnecessary risks.