Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Post image for Reminiscences of the Civil War by William and Adelia Lyon.

Reminiscences of the Civil War by William and Adelia Lyon.

July 14, 2015

Reminiscences of the Civil War, William and Adelia Lyon

Colonel Lyon’s Letters.


New Orleans, Fri., July 14, 1865.—We arrived here at eight o’clock this morning, sound and well. I found that our corps have moved and are moving for Indianola, Texas. Our division went several days ago. Lieutenant Fowle and I leave tomorrow on steamer Zenobia.

This is a beautiful city and the cleanest one that I ever saw. There is some talk that our division goes to Austin, which is said to be a healthy place. I hope so. I go on board of the steamer soon

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