Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Post image for Reminiscences of the Civil War by William and Adelia Lyon.

Reminiscences of the Civil War by William and Adelia Lyon.

June 28, 2012

Reminiscences of the Civil War, William and Adelia Lyon

To Mrs. Lyon.

Camp Clear Creek, Miss., Sunday, June 28.—The boys are usually well, but I have quite a number sick at the hospital ten miles back, none dangerously. Out of 63 men here, all, except three or four, are fit for duty, and none of them are very sick; yet I notice that when a man gets sick here it takes a long time for him to recover his strength again, but the men have to stay right here and do the best they can. There are but few paroles now granted to either officers or enlisted men, and it has become almost impossible for an enlisted man to get a discharge. An officer can only get his resignation accepted on account of sickness. Many of our regiment have been taken sick and resigned since we came up the Tennessee. I think this climate well adapted to my constitution, and I have no fear of being sick, neither have I the least disposition to leave the service until this rebellion is put down. When that will be, God only knows; but I do not despair of getting home next fall. I see no prospect of any more fighting this summer, if ever.

We are under marching orders to leave in an hour. I do not know to what point we are going, but I hear it is Ripley, a place west of here and south of Grand Junction, on the Miss. Cent. R. R.

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