June 22 — At 12 o’clock last night Co. B and G. and one Co. of 57 Ga. was ordered outside of our entrenchments to attack and drive the enemy from the ditches which was near our picket post. We succeeded in driving them from their first ditch. But we were forced by over whelming numbers to fallback as their ditch did not give us any protection from the enemies fire; which we did in good order. Lieut. Crookshanks was killed; Sargeant Denton and Gilbert Murray was wounded of Co. G -Capt. Cawood, Sargent Miller and Wm. Brady of Co. B was wounded. One of the Ga. was killed and two wounded. It was with great reluctance that I went into it, but I said nothing. I saw it could not profit us anything for we could not hold it when taken. I thank God that we escaped as well as what we did. Sharp shooting going on as usual today. Oh Lord my heavenly Master deliver us from this unhappy state.Hear my prayer Oh! God and save us from the destruction of our enemies. W.R.C.

Civil War Diary of William Raleigh Clack, defending Vicksburg.
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