Caroline Carson Woolsey to Jane Stuart Woolsey at Fairfax Hospital.
General Meade’s Camp,
Near Brandy Sta., Dec. 7th, ’63.
Dear Jane . .—The train which left at 11 yesterday morning brought me through all right last night, by dark. A telegram from General Williams, sent to the conductor and meeting me on the train, said, in reply to one from me, that the ambulance would meet me at Brandy Station. The conductor had had some difficulty in finding me on the long train, but at the railroad bridge I heard “Woolsey” yelled at the door instead of “Rappahannock Station,”—which proved successful. I find that no movement of importance is on foot, and winter quarters somewhere (not here) confidently looked for this time. I hear a great deal said in justification of General Meade’s retrograde movement. The War Department is entirely responsible for the failure of the last campaign,—having ordered it, but not allowing General Meade to attack in his own way. We might have had a great battle and carried the rebel position with very great loss, but nothing but the position would have been gained. The rebels behind their strong works could have been very little damaged and would have had only to fall back, if we had assaulted.
We are camped in the woods near John M. Botts’ house, and are in this way shielded from the winds. There is no news.