Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Civil War envelope showing Columbia with shield and American flag and White House

Civil War envelope showing Columbia with shield and American flag and White House

Addressed to Mr. James G. Blauvelt, Nanuett Post Office, Rockland County, New York; postmarked; bears 3 cent stamp.

Collection: Liljenquist Family Collection of Civil War Photographs (Library of Congress)

Date Created/Published: N.Y. : C. Magnus, 12 Frankfort St. ; 1862 June 22.

This envelope and additional information may be found here at the Library of Congress

June 22.—Yesterday thirty Sisters of Charity arrived at Fortress Monroe, and to-day left for White-House Point, Va., for the purpose of ministering to the sick and wounded soldiers of the army of the Potomac.

—A detachment of the Sixth Illinois cavalry made a descent on a squadron of rebel cavalry guarding a train near Coldwater station, on the Mississippi and Tennessee Railroad, and captured twenty-five prisoners and about twenty thousand pounds of bacon which was on the train. They then destroyed the bridges on the road, rendering it impassable.

A party of the Eighth Vermont regiment, stationed at Algiers, near New-Orleans, La., took an engine and a car and went out a short distance on the Opelousas Railroad on a reconnoissance. They had proceeded but a few miles when they were fired upon by a party of guerrillas, and had three men killed and eight wounded.